About Us
...Fast changing world and the itch to make it a better place. We wanted to do something, we wanted to act. We saw the ways we could potentially help the city but did not see a clear way to get involved. With no one to guide us and no way to quantify the impact certain organizations would have, we felt like volunteering had become complex, inaccessible and sparce.
What if we wanted to only volunteer with animals? What if we could only volunteer 2 hours? What if we had an entire afternoon to volunteer with our friends? These and other questions helped build BackPac. A place where we could easily locate social impact organizations, and opportunities to change the world. A place where people had a vision to educate themselves and others on historical social movements. A place to voice our opinions and simply take action for our cities and our community.
Our team decided it was time for a radical solution. We co-created a system, along with social impact organizations, that was as easy and accessible, much like other areas of our lives (i.e. food delivery, transport, etc.,) thereby transforming technology into a vehicle of social good. BackPac was born to provide the tools for this vehicle.
Mission Statement
"To provide the tools that catalyze worldwide social change"
We aim to be a unifying medium that is committed to making it easy for people to stand up and speak up for causes that ignite their passions and catalyze them to action. We provide the tools so that modern day activists of our generation can activate positive social change.
Packy: Mascot and Head Activist
My friends often ask me what I am. Some think I’m a fox, racoon, skunk, and even a wolverine. I don’t conform to any species, race, gender, or orientation. Many of our activists/users are the same way. They are complex, passionate, and think out of the box! Come join our pac!

Brenda Pak - Cofounder
I grew up volunteering in hospitals and homeless shelters. I’ve had the most fulfilling and love filled conversations with the people I’ve met while volunteering. These experiences have shaped how I viewed the world and opened my eyes to the possibility of doing more with the gifts I’ve been given. After college, I traveled abroad and worked with different nonprofits and social impact organizations and realized that the need was great, but we needed a way for everyday people like you and me to access these amazing opportunities and make a difference. It’s the accumulation of those moments that BackPac was born.
Brenda has over nine years of experience working in human rights/nonprofit space, and professional services. She has an undergraduate degree in International Relations/Human Rights from Columbia University and an MBA from the Ross School of Business